Audio – BBC

BBC Careers

1) Where can you undertake this qualification?

  • Birmingham
  • Cardiff
  • Glasgow
  • London
  • Nottingham
  • Plymouth
  • salford


2) What skills do you learn?

  • Camera Operations/Floor Management
  • TV Vision Mixing
  • Radio Sound Operatives
  • Technical Directing
  • Sound and Video Editing
  • Shoot/Edit Multi skilled operator
  • Media Managing
  • Network Monitoring
  • Master control room operating
  • Support Technician


3) Which transferable skills do you need?

  • Practical Application (ability to multitask)
  • communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Time Management
  • Collaboration
  • Agility
  • Resilience


4) How would the BBC like to see these skills acquired?

On the job training and classroom based learning at college.

Working with other broadcasters

Extra Curricular Actives and volunteering


5) What qualification do you attain on completion?

Completion of a level 3 broadcast assistant production apprentice.


6) How much does this qualification cost?

Free from the BBC as it is an apprenticeship.

BBC Apprenticeship

Audio – The sound of plastic

1) Who is the artist?

Geert-Jan Hobijn

2) What is the name of the project?

Plastic Souls

3) In your own words, describe this project and its core idea.

I watched the video clip on Moodle and to be truthful I didn’t really find it interesting or fascinating, but that’s because I didn’t understand it, maybe? I found that it just sounded awful and like a steel sound rather then plastic. At least it floats.

After reading the web site, I can now picture the back story of what type of message Hobijn was trying to make and I was actually impressed. The steel type sounds that I heard where not a mistake and were to tell of a warning to people about the dangers of plastic. He used Homer’s Odysseus and his journey. Homer and his crew encountered sirens, (A half man, half bird, or as we know it today mermaids) a sound or cry of mythological dangers approaching. Hobijn used this story and change’s it, so we could hear the dangers approaching made of plastic..

4) In your own words, summarise 3 of the examples that Hobijn uses to back up his claims that we have a problem with plastic pollution.

Hobijn uses local elements and sounds and on his trip to Calabria, that he saw that the coast was full of plastic waste.

“Plastic was the main component on the beach”

New discovery of microscopic bigger then Mexico has been discovered in the south pacific.

5) What is Hobijn’s mission?

All I can do is raise the subject. I do not pretend to save the planet, but hate the fact that the problem is ignored. – Hobijn


Researched from website: Plastic Souls

Animation – Stop Motion

There are different types of stop motion animation.

  • Clay Animation. …Image result for Clay animation stop motion
  • Cutout Animation. …Image result for Cutout animation stop motion
  • Model Animation. …Image result for model stop motion animation


  • Object Animation. …Image result for Object animation stop motion


  • Pixilation
  • Image result for Pixilation stop motion animation


I decided to do silhouette animation. My Idea was to create a dog running and catching a ball. To me this seemed like a simple idea but I ran into loads of challenges.

My first issue was when I stated looking for my silhouettes. I google images online and decided to print them and cut around them. I had some tennis balls that I cut out and coloured green. I would then use a light box to test the effects. The green balls were not effective and the paper cut outs were to delicate. I then moved to black card and this was more effective.

I attempted my first film below:

The problems that I encountered for my first attempt that it was way to bright and I only took 24 pictures. This is why it runs through to fast. Remember 24 frames per second.


This is my second attempt. I had so many problems getting to this stage, with availably of the room, and then the camera would connect and I had to wait for them to fix the computer, then the room was double booked, then they couldn’t find my light box. so drama’s and I really felt like giving up.

Someone managed to borrow a light box from the art department for me. This was a funny shape so I had to use my books to prop it up. However with the camera angle and the position of the light box,  it gave it more of a softer lighting.

It is now long enough but I have made a few mistakes with my hand being in the way at 3 different points. I was lucky to have the intelligence to remove my hand and take the picture before moving my images. I then exported the video. (At this point I did not realise that I could edit the images and remove my hand so Ive kinda gone the long way round but stay with me ill explain)

My final piece.


When saved this video was the same as above but then I put it into photoshop and removed the frames.  Giving the results above. Yeah I FINISHED.

So Lets talk about the long way round. I later realised that while I was filming I could edit and remove the images of my hand. All I should have done was press edit and cross out the images I didn’t want to use, before exporting it.

But its done now yippee!



Audio – Keynvor

The Atlantic Ocean makes waves in the music industry


Introducing the music industry’s latest signing: The Atlantic Ocean

An inspiring new musical project has just been unveiled via Universal Music’s Mercury KX label, which has begun working with new artist, Keynvor.

Keynvor is not like any other artist today. Taking its name from the Cornish word for ‘ocean’, Keynvor IS the great Atlantic Ocean.


1) What is the name of this project and which charity is it supporting?

All proceeds go to surfers against sewage. Sponsored by Sharp’s Brewery and Atlantic Exceptional Pale Ale.

2) What does this charity aim to tackle?

Plastic Pollution

3) What is the purpose/intention of this project?

To empower the ocean to help clean itself.

To Raise awareness that plastic pollution is getting worse in out oceans and we need to act now. Plastic articles are found in the stomachs of fish that we eat, so it looks like we are eating plastic through fish.

To give something back and take responsibility.

4) How was this music created and by whom?

People captured the sounds of the ocean and turned them in to a recording artist called Keynvor, who had the help from another ambient artist called Sebastian Plano – Composer/Music Producer.

5) How effective do you think this is for garnering a response? Why?

People have feedback that the music is calm and powerful and it makes you think that someday this could be lost. In 5 years time would we still be able to hear the waves or would we hear plastic banging together?


My thoughts and Questions

Although listening to the track myself, I thought it was going to be one of those tracks that sends you to sleep. (I find that listening to the rain fall relaxing) I was surprised how powerful I found it to be. I found it very calming but then you had background ambiance starting soft, drawing you in, then it feels very powerful and mighty and then calm again. Like a storm passing through.

I feel like there have restricted there audience access a little, buy having it on Spotify and apple music and when looking up the making of Keynvor on youtube you have to identify your age to watch.

The other thing I find confusing is that they say “with every stream will create royalties for the ocean allowing it to protect itself.” I would of liked to see how? what they do as a charity? where the donations go?


The stunning first single from Keynvor is ‘Preservation’ – a collaboration with composer Sebastian Plano which harnesses the remarkable, rhythmic sounds of the ocean.



Film – Health and Safety

With any activity you do there is always an aspect of health and safety.

In this blog we are looking at how to set up a tripod and use it safely.

Very first step.  Below is a picture of a standard tripod. It can be extended for height. Place on a stable surface.

Image result for extendable tripod


Image titled Attach a Camera to a Tripod Step 1

1st thing you need to check is that your camera has a tripod mount.

Image result for removing camera plate from tripod

Step 2 – Clamp the camera to the tripod plate.

Image result for removing camera plate from tripod

Step 3 – Remount the clamp plate to the tripod.

Then check your levels and camera angles. Once happy start taking photos.

Remember to bring an extra camera battery and never carry a tripod with a camera attached. Always take the camera off and dismantle the tripod to a smallest form before transport.

In any other environment always be aware of your surroundings.

You could have hot lighting to cables (Trip Hazard) and other people. Think health and safety.

Audio – Iron Giant/L.O.T.R/Corona

Identifying Soundtrack elements

We listened to a trailer in class. We had to try and identify the sounds we heard.

We had to identify 3 things

– What can you hear?

– What motion picture do you think it is from?

– Complete your worksheet and store in your file for future

Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 15.24.44.png

We were given a blank sheet and were asked to fill in a few sounds that we could hear.

Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 09.54.54.png

Then we looked at the type of sound element. The different types were:

Ambient – Means background sound which is present in a scene or location. For Example: Wind, Water, Birds, Crowds and traffic.

Mood – Gets an emotional response. It also sets a mood and can be used to set the scene I.E In horror, you can feel something about to happen because of the music.

SFX – Means Special Effects.  SFX is practically made on during set. You can create Sound libraries.

Atmospheric – Creating a special feeling.

Have a go for yourself and see what you can hear?


How can music change a scene?

We looked at how music can change the genre. Background music or soundtrack are very powerful in films/TV shows because they set the mood. The wrong music can lead the audience down the wrong path. The video below is one we watching in class which has some good examples


After this our assignment was to look at the following corona advert.

Then to change the music ourselves. Seems simple enough but what a challenge for me. For Starters it took me ages to pick a song, and when I finally did it was too long. So I decided to cut off the end of the track but that just sounded silly, so I watched a you tube video on fading in and out. I attempted this Technic as I like to try and be a perfectionist when it comes to this sort of thing and I was so happy when I completed it. I then sent over my work for assessment or so I thought. It turns out (and I have no idea how) but I managed to cut all of the track off apart from what I had faded. Very clever If I knew what I had done.

So this is my 1 millionth attempt. Here it is below:


and then I decide to have a little play with premier and change the advert’s genre.

Here it is: Just for fun


Audio – Behind the Scenes – The sound on the set of Alien covenant

What is the outcome of bad sound?

Lose’s Audience Attention and the audience won’t develop with the storyline. Audience can become oblivious to the story itself and loose interest in the film.


Debate: Is it better to have a film with bad visuals and good sound or good visuals and bad sound?

I think Bad visuals and good sound. Although a film can be creative, a sound can help create emotion for the audience, like leading to suspense.


Should you notice the sound in a movie, and why?

Yes because they help play on people’s emotion’s. For example a siren sound can get people to feel panic, claustrophobic and in danger. Their are the exception to the rule where the movie “A Quite Place”

On the flip side

Is a no. Bad sound will be remembered and can distract the audience.


Film – Advertising Awareness

This week in film we learnt about Advert’s. We looked at how they were presented ad what they advertised. We watched a few video’s detailed below.



Above are two adverts, advertising different things. The top one is speeding and the second one is Drink Driving. Now what was interesting is we had a group discussion on these adverts and I found that I was not effected by the first advert but the second advert was, to me, horrific. I think it was because I didnt believe the first advert and thought it was more of a freak accident, maybe a tyre blew? Where as the second one I felt like I could related more to this one.

First Advert – I think the idea of the boy with the little blue car a good reference to the larger car. I just feel like there was no indication that the driver was speeding. I could leave the house eating breakfast but its finished when I get in the car. Their was no look of panic or speeding on the car dials and when he was driving he looked more relaxed. As far as I am aware he could of heard his phone ring, looked at it, looked up, deer in the road, swerved and flipped the car. Again this would be another freak accident. Also I found the facts at the end very interesting. It makes you start to think about looking out for children when driving. It is sad to think we loose a class room every year.

Second Advert – I believed everything until the end. It reads If you drink then drive you are a bloody idiot. So to me this advert is not rel life, its some who wants to make a point. Even though the video is a little graphic, I can relate to it. Nothing like this has happened to me but I am always extra cautious when I have other people in the car. I would not like that responsibility. Also when me and my husband Luke go out we always decide who is going to drink and who is going to drive. I grew up with the theory that if you went out drinking you needed to find a “Designated Dave”. This would be someone who wouldn’t drink and be our driver. Even if we get to a party and we both decide to drink, the car will stay where it is over night.

The next thing to look at is am I the target demographic for both adverts?

Did they get the message across?

Next we started looking for adverts for plastic pollution. I found this quite tough as there is not much awareness out there. I don’t like seeing animals injured in any way. Rspca Adverts, The donkey sanctuary, Pouching, I know it happens and It horrifies me and upsets me but I can no longer watch these on t.v. Due to my personal opinion if you tell me how I can help I will. If you beg me for money to pay for your advert then I don’t see me as helping. I suppose for an example, I saw a rescue advertise for help with re-homing and now I have two beautiful babies at home.


How am I going to raise awareness on plastic pollution. So thinking about all the things from above I would need to look at:

Who I want the advert to speak to?

I would also like to look at ways to make it fun and enjoyable, Something families can do.

How It can be simple? People like convenience.

Target Audience and Market Research.

Also how can I do my part? How can I impact as well? and how can I get you involved?

Hopefully I can answer these over the next few weeks.

Photography – Adverts – Raising Awareness.

In photography this week we learnt about raising awareness in photography. We looked at United colours of Benetton.

Image result for united colours of benetton

This is one of there advertisement. United colours of Benetton are a clothing company and their advert is not showing any of their designs, however it did raise a lot of anger as this photo was released in the 1990’s and images like this were not published yet. Looking at this today we just see two women lovingly holding a baby, however when this photo was released it was two women (first issue) of ethnic origin (second issue) holding a Chinese (third issue) baby (fourth issue). I would imagine that this piece of advertisement was criticised a lot however in my opinion it worked cause people did notice it. This Photo was taken by Philip Williams. I believe he said advertisement does not need to be about the products but can not find that quote online, so I cant be 100 percent sure.

The second Photo I have used, again released sometime in the 1990’s also raised concerns, again nothing to do with the advertisement.

Related image

This Image today looks so sweet, but again back then people only saw a white baby cuddling a coloured baby. What makes this picture worse is that the coloured child looks like she has horns and people also related this to the angel and devil and so not only did this upset people with racist reviews it also upset religious people.


In my opinion I feel these pictures are way before there time and although they cause a lot of controversy they have moved our generation forward and within our current generation this has been accepted and theirs no fight over religion or the colour of someones skin or the fact that two same sex couples can be together and raise a child. Also in my opinion these ads where used for “the shock factor” where as this wouldn’t work today as we have adapted to change. Although saying that maybe the older generation may not like it still.

So I begin to look at other adverts on the internet and came across this site.


This contains 40 of the most powerful social issues ads.

I looked through these (As our project is to collect some images and put them into a word document with an explanation.) and I found them to be clever, creative and well though out. Their was only one image out of that 40 which shocked me and made me feel horrified.


This advert would make me stop and think. If I asked for a bag at a supermarket or shop and they handed me this I would freak out and probably refuse to take it.

Each advert effects people in different ways. What maybe OK or the norm for me may effect someone else and visa versa.

When producing strong adverts its a good idea to target audience you are looking to grab the attention of. That can be the difference from making a difference to not impacting an audience at all.

Film – Man with a Movie Camera

I watched Man with a movie camera by Dziga Vertov.

This story is an stunning avant grade, documentary meta narrative which celebrates soviet workers and film making. The film uses radical editing techniques and cinematic pyrotechnics to portray a typical day in Moscow from dusk till dawn. Vertov is not just recording reality, he transforms it through the power of the camera’s “kino-glaz” (Cinema eye) Vertov’s rich imagery transcends the earth-bound limitations of our every day ways of seeing.


I looked at some of the words used in the script in more detail.

Please see my glossary below





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