Animation – Stop Motion

There are different types of stop motion animation.

  • Clay Animation. …Image result for Clay animation stop motion
  • Cutout Animation. …Image result for Cutout animation stop motion
  • Model Animation. …Image result for model stop motion animation


  • Object Animation. …Image result for Object animation stop motion


  • Pixilation
  • Image result for Pixilation stop motion animation


I decided to do silhouette animation. My Idea was to create a dog running and catching a ball. To me this seemed like a simple idea but I ran into loads of challenges.

My first issue was when I stated looking for my silhouettes. I google images online and decided to print them and cut around them. I had some tennis balls that I cut out and coloured green. I would then use a light box to test the effects. The green balls were not effective and the paper cut outs were to delicate. I then moved to black card and this was more effective.

I attempted my first film below:

The problems that I encountered for my first attempt that it was way to bright and I only took 24 pictures. This is why it runs through to fast. Remember 24 frames per second.


This is my second attempt. I had so many problems getting to this stage, with availably of the room, and then the camera would connect and I had to wait for them to fix the computer, then the room was double booked, then they couldn’t find my light box. so drama’s and I really felt like giving up.

Someone managed to borrow a light box from the art department for me. This was a funny shape so I had to use my books to prop it up. However with the camera angle and the position of the light box,  it gave it more of a softer lighting.

It is now long enough but I have made a few mistakes with my hand being in the way at 3 different points. I was lucky to have the intelligence to remove my hand and take the picture before moving my images. I then exported the video. (At this point I did not realise that I could edit the images and remove my hand so Ive kinda gone the long way round but stay with me ill explain)

My final piece.


When saved this video was the same as above but then I put it into photoshop and removed the frames.  Giving the results above. Yeah I FINISHED.

So Lets talk about the long way round. I later realised that while I was filming I could edit and remove the images of my hand. All I should have done was press edit and cross out the images I didn’t want to use, before exporting it.

But its done now yippee!



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