Audio – The sound of plastic

1) Who is the artist?

Geert-Jan Hobijn

2) What is the name of the project?

Plastic Souls

3) In your own words, describe this project and its core idea.

I watched the video clip on Moodle and to be truthful I didn’t really find it interesting or fascinating, but that’s because I didn’t understand it, maybe? I found that it just sounded awful and like a steel sound rather then plastic. At least it floats.

After reading the web site, I can now picture the back story of what type of message Hobijn was trying to make and I was actually impressed. The steel type sounds that I heard where not a mistake and were to tell of a warning to people about the dangers of plastic. He used Homer’s Odysseus and his journey. Homer and his crew encountered sirens, (A half man, half bird, or as we know it today mermaids) a sound or cry of mythological dangers approaching. Hobijn used this story and change’s it, so we could hear the dangers approaching made of plastic..

4) In your own words, summarise 3 of the examples that Hobijn uses to back up his claims that we have a problem with plastic pollution.

Hobijn uses local elements and sounds and on his trip to Calabria, that he saw that the coast was full of plastic waste.

“Plastic was the main component on the beach”

New discovery of microscopic bigger then Mexico has been discovered in the south pacific.

5) What is Hobijn’s mission?

All I can do is raise the subject. I do not pretend to save the planet, but hate the fact that the problem is ignored. – Hobijn


Researched from website: Plastic Souls

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